Tuesday, June 1, 2010

Why Blog?

Hi, my name is Kristen. Welcome to my blog. I never thought I would write one. I’m really more of a Tweeter than a blogger, and I don’t even do that well. I can, however, write a mean press release. 

When I was a kid I wanted to write children’s books. I became discouraged because I didn’t know what to write about. How would I find my voice? (I’m still struggling with that question) Then I realized that I liked telling stories about the day’s events. So I went into the news business -- and into TV news because I don’t love to write. I’ve learned that I have a pretty direct style of communicating. I say what needs to be said in fewest words possible. Why write a 10 page paper when you can say it all in eight? Or why write for a newspaper when you can write something to be spoken and understood?

Well, TV news in the early ‘90s was a hard business (not that it’s any easier today, just different). The recession at that time eliminated many of the entry-level jobs in TV news. So after a few years of news-related programming and another couple years of school, I found myself at a PR agency. It made sense to me to help people tell their stories from that side of the fence. It’s been a good career. Like I said, I write a mean press release, and have done so for about 15 years.

I was recently laid off, which is one of the reasons I decided to blog now. I’ve read most of the advice on job hunting in the current economy. Some of it is written for the new graduates looking for their first jobs, and some for the blue collar workers who have no idea how to network or were to find LinkedIn. Although much of it does not apply to me, I pay attention to the articles about how to elevate your online presence and why you should create a personal brand. I am starting this blog in part to question some of that advice, and to work on my writing. 

What else do you need to know? I am the oldest of 3 girls, grew up outside of Buffalo, live outside of Boston, am a tech geek, love information, and hope to continue my career soon.

If all goes as planned, those posts will come soon and this blog will become a little more robust with links to other blogs, etc.

Your feedback is always welcome.

1 comment:

  1. Kristen, welcome to the blogosphere. The rest of us have been holding a seat for you. Don't worry: you will continue your career soon!

    Dan Dent
